His advice is evil, his power corrupted.
When satan sees the light, he hides his face
God’s power is light, that he cannot embrace.
When I show up, darkness scatters–when I show up.
When I show up, better move out the way
God’s word is true, He is coming back one day
Better get your house in order, no man is mortar
God is gonna judge us all, better hear His call.
When I show up, darkness scatters–when I show up.
John 3:16 says it well, He loves us all–don’t want to see us in hell
He’ll always forgive, like the woman He met at the well.
He’s coming for us, without spot or wrinkle
Are you a doer or just a thinker
Your life can be over in just a twinkle.
When I show up, darkness scatters–when I show up.
Moses raised his staff, parted the Red Se
Shows how mighty our God can be.
He said, I can turn water to wine, put grapes on the vine
Protect every soul that is truly mine.
When I show up, darkness scatters–when I show up.
He showed up in the fiery furnace, saved Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego
It just goes to show, His miracles are real, they aint no show.
When I show up, darkness scatters–when I show up.
People were vain, didn’t obey
For forty days and forty nights God made it rain
When giants were in the land and people are afraid
He gave David a sling and a stone
You know the story, a mighty giant was slain
When I show up, darkness scatters–when I show up.
From her book; Echoes of the Heart |