Status and trends in global missions as revealed by the annual Christian megacensus, AD 1800-Ad 2025

Seven questions were asked in 1991:

God:         “I know God exists and I have no doubts about it”
Afterlife:     I definitely believe in “life after death”
Bible:        “The Bible is the actual word of God and it is to be taken literally, word for word.” A yes answer implies that the subject believes in the        inerrancy of the Bible.
Devil:         I definitely believe in “the Devil.”
Hell:          I definitely believe in “Hell.
Heaven:     I definitely believe in “Heaven.”
Miracle:     I definitely believe in “religious miracles.”

United States 62.8 55.0 33.5 45.4 49.6 63.1 45.6 <35.4
N. Ireland 61.4 53.5 32.7 43.1 47.9 63.7 44.2 51.5
Ireland 58.7 45.9 24.9 24.8 25.9 51.8 36.9 60.1
Phillipines 86.2 35.2 53.7 28.3 29.6 41.9 27.7 60.9
Poland 66.3 37.8 37.4 15.4 21.4 38.6 22.7 35.4
Italy 51.4 34.8 27.0 20.4 21.7 27.9 32.9 65.2
New Zealand 29.3 35.5 9.4 21.4 18.7 32.2 23.1 66.3
Israel 43.0 21.9 26.7 12.6 22.5 24.0 26.4 56.9
Austria 29.4 24.8 12.7 11.1 10.0 20.1 27.4 N/A
Norway 20.1 31.6 11.2 13.1 11.4 23.0 17.8 65.0
Great Britain 23.8 26.5 7.0 12.7 12.8 24.6 15.3 76.7
Netherlands 24.7 26.7 8.4 13.3 11.1 21.1 10.2 58.6
W.Germany 27.3 24.4 12.5 9.5 9.3 18.2 22.7 72.7
Russia 12.4 16.8 9.9 12.5 13.0 14.7 18.7 41.4
Slovenia 21.9 11.6 22.3 6.9 8.3 9.5 13.4 60.7
Hungary 30.1 10.6 19.2 4.2 5.8 9.4 8.2 62.8
E. Germany 9.2 6.1 7.5 3.6 2.6 10.2 11.8 81.6

Two international surveys were conducted during 1991 and 1993 by the
International Social Survey Program (ISSP). This is currently located at the
National Opinion Research Center (NORC) at the University of Chicago.