Filled with envy, hate and strife, be a confessor.
God is listening.
When the world is offering you all of its favors
Remember, Go offers you rest from your labor.
Yes, God is listening.
Are you depressed, stressed with nothing but worries at the end of the day?
Don’t just sit there, get on your knees and pray.
God is listening.
Your children have gone astray, following the world in the worst way
Don’t weep, the Savior is never sleep
Yes, God is listening.
When the doctor shakes his head, says there is nothing more you can do but, sends you a bill, Go to a Doctor Jesus, He has the last word, just pray for His will. God is listening.
You are on your job and doing your best, the boss comes in putting you down
Don’t worry. God will elevate you above the rest. Keep on praying.
I tell you that God is listening.
Yes when the weights of this world get so heavy, and when there seems to be no where to
turn and when it seems as if no one cares, pray.
God, your Heavenly Father is listening.
From her book; Echoes of the Heart |