life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever (Fill in blanks)
a. grace and faith
b. goodness and mercy
c. favor and blessing
a. cattle
b. man
c. whales
a. Enoch
b. Enos
c. Methusael
a. Psalms
b. Isaiah
c. Ezekiel
d. Genesis
a. Pilate
b. Herod
c. Ceaser
d. Jesus
a. Solomon
b. Jesse
c. David
d. Saul
a. Moses
b. Noah
c. Solomon
d. Nimrod
a. 7
b. 70
c. 700
d. 7,000
a. a lamb
b. an ass
c. a dragon
d. an ox
a. gold
b. faith
c. righteouness
d. brass
a. Nazareth
b. Bethlehem
c. Jerusalem
d. Los Angeles
a. Abe
b. Abram
c. Honest Abe
d. Melchezedic
a. Joshua
b. Samson
c. David
a. Genisis
b. Exodus
c. Deuteronomy
d. Matthew
a. Josebad
b. Elijah
c. Joshua
d. Job
a. God of this world
b. Prince of the air
c. Holy Ghost
a. fire
b. water
c. air
d. music
a. Solomon
b. Saul
c. Matthew
d. Moses
a. Acts
b. Luke
c. 1 John
d. Jude
a. 3
b. 6
c. 12
d. 500
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Genesis 8;6
Numbers 22:30
Jude 1:14
1 Samuel 11:15
Gen 17:5
John 19:19
Psalm 23:6
1 Kings 11:3
Luke 4:1
Chapter 1
(Chapter 20:3-17
Joshua 1:1-5
Ephesians 6:16
1 Kings 1:43
Luke 3:16
Luke 2:4-10
Luke 22:30
Gen 1:21