BIBLE TRIVIA Beginner Answers

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14) Surely __________  &  _________ shall follow me all the days of my
life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever (Fill in blanks)
a. grace and faith
b. goodness and mercy
c. favor and blessing
2) What did God create first?
a. cattle
b. man
c. whales
6) Of the following names, who was not a grandson of Adam?
a. Enoch
b. Enos
c. Methusael
3) What is the second longest book in the bible?
a. Psalms
b. Isaiah
c. Ezekiel
d. Genesis
4) In the New Testament, who is called; “The King of the Jews”?
a. Pilate
b. Herod
c. Ceaser
d. Jesus
5) Who was the first king of Israel?
a. Solomon
b. Jesse
c. David
d. Saul
1) Who built the Ark?
a. Moses
b. Noah
c. Solomon
d. Nimrod
12) How many wives did Solomon have?
a. 7
b. 70
c. 700
d. 7,000
7) What kind of animal talked in the bible?
a. a lamb
b. an ass
c. a dragon
d. an ox
19) In the armor of God, what is the “shield of faith”?
a. gold
b. faith
c. righteouness
d. brass
15) Where was Jesus born?
a. Nazareth
b. Bethlehem
c. Jerusalem
d. Los Angeles
8) What is Abraham’s old name?
a. Abe
b. Abram
c. Honest Abe
d. Melchezedic
11) Who led the children of Israel right after Moses?
a. Joshua
b. Samson
c. David
9) What book introduces the ten commandments?
a. Genisis
b. Exodus
c. Deuteronomy
d. Matthew
13) Who suffered the loss of all his children?
a. Josebad
b. Elijah
c. Joshua
d. Job
10) What is another name for the Holy Spirit?
a. God of this world
b. Prince of the air
c. Holy Ghost
16) What did Jesus use to baptise people with?
a. fire
b. water
c. air
d. music
17) Who became king after David?
a. Solomon
b. Saul
c. Matthew
d. Moses
18) Which book is one of the ‘gospels’ of the bible?
a. Acts
b. Luke
c. 1 John
d. Jude
20) How many tribes of Israel are there?
a. 3
b. 6
c. 12
d. 500
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Beginner’s level
b. Noah

Genesis 8;6

b. an ass

Numbers 22:30

a. Enoch

Jude 1:14

d. Saul

1 Samuel 11:15

b. Abram

Gen 17:5

d. Jesus

John 19:19

a. Psalms
b. goodness and mercy

Psalm 23:6

c. 700

1 Kings 11:3

c. Holy Ghost

Luke 4:1

d. Job

Chapter 1

b. Exodus

(Chapter 20:3-17

a. Joshua

Joshua 1:1-5

b. faith

Ephesians 6:16

a. Solomon

1 Kings 1:43

a. fire

Luke 3:16

b. Luke
b. Bethlehem

Luke 2:4-10

c. 12

Luke 22:30

c. whales

Gen 1:21